Release, relax and reconnect with your essence
When you feel safe and consciously allow your awareness into the body, the body takes over and guides you very subtle, through different stages of release into deep relaxation.
Safely held in compassion, the mind can come to rest.
You start to reconnect with existence itself in a state of peaceful bliss and delight.
Welcome to Reconnect You Bodywork
RY Bodywork is designed for the conscious woman who is ready to evoke her innate wisdom and desires to live from her deepest truth and unique alignment.
What is RY Bodywork ?
RY Bodywork is a fusion of deep bodywork philosophies based on a unique De-armouring method, Myofascial Energetic Release, Tantra and Martial arts. It's a unique combination of manipulations of soft and deep tissues, release of joints, energy work, breathing, fascial unwinding and body awareness. The work is trauma informed, transformational based and awakens the natural capacity of self-healing.
Who am I ?
In 25 years of practicing and teaching martial arts and 15 years of personal, spiritual and bodywork development, I became passionate about holding safe space for the uninhibited divine feminine expression and the deep grounded wisdom that comes to surface when the feminine deeply relaxes.
I believe and it has been my experience that our deep-rooted available wisdom serves as a primary source of contribution to the evolution of humanity here on Earth.
My mission as a trauma informed bodyworker is to facilitate women on their journey by inviting them to consciously reconnect with essence through their bodies.
By setting intention to be of highest service and providing a healthy masculine imprint, I work from a guided place, stepping out of the way and trusting the process.
The process
In sessions we co-create and follow, without agenda and in complete safety, the subtle feedback from your body. By consciously breathing, you gently become aware of (trauma) holding patterns stored in your body. Through loving presence, conscious touch and by allowing free expression of the body, your self healing capacity is awakened, stuck life energy is released and starts flowing again.
The process results in more grounding, deeper breath, spaciousness, free movement, better posture, alleviation of pain and deep relaxation. Aside from physical and energetical effects, sessions have a rippling effect on your mind and heart. The mind silences and gets clear, the heart opens. The perception of life is expanded and you are more able to engage intuitive mind and inner wisdom. Inspiration, creativity and new insights arise. You will be more present, focused, connected with your sexuality and aware of your healthy boundaries.
You are grounded in your inner wisdom and you feel empowered and inspired to actually make change and manifest your reality by taking lead from deep relaxation and doing what you know is right.
The process is based on immersion and guidance in multiple sessions over a period of months, tailored to the level of your consciousness and intentions.
A relevant part of the process is the integration between sessions. You will receive tools to stay focused on the process and work with the feedback you receive from your body and subconscious mind.
“Trauma is not what happens to us, but what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness."
- Peter A Levine -
The Tantric Dojo
In addition to individual bodywork sessions, I facilitate and teach bodywork within The Human Evolutionary Academy.
Based on my Martial Arts foundation and Tantric journey The Tantric Dojo is created.
Held in a sacred ceremonial Dojo container, various forms of Tantric Martial arts are practiced, like the Tantric Play fight, which is a powerfull deep grounded non-interfered somatic polarity play between the wide range of authentic masculine and feminine human expressions.
People say
" Every time when I leave your place I feel só aligned, seen, felt, touched, cleansed, light and connected!I am always looking for bodyworkers who touch me as I would if I could treat myself. And I found this in you! You create a most safe and loving environment, so I dare to totally surrender to your hands and your guidance and deeply feel what arises in the session. I feel you are totally in touch with your intuition and your ability to tune into people is amazing. In short .. you are my all time favorite bodyworker. Keep up the good work. I wish this for everyone! "
- Anke -
" Ik voel me herboren na de sessie, alsof alles weer op de juiste plek is gezet. Jeroen gaat met aandacht, liefde en geduld te werk, leest je lichaam en bekijkt echt samen met jou wat je op dat moment nodig hebt. Wat je op dat moment kan en mag loslaten en door middel van adem en aanraking nog dieper in je lichaam te zakken. Niet alleen tijdens de sessie, maar ook de dagen erna voel ik dat er wat in beweging is gezet. Ik ken niemand die deze unieke combinatie aan bodywork geeft en ben dankbaar dat Jeroen op mijn pad terecht is gekomen. Snel weer! "
- Esmee -
" With his big presence and open heart, Jeroen creates a space in which I felt safe to open myself completely to what my body wanted to tell me. Jeroen's work is deep, confrontational and both solid and soft. The session has given me many insights and is an anchor to come back to myself in my body more quickly when the mind is active. I felt softer and more relaxed afterwards. Jeroen is the best bodyworker I know. If you want to learn more about yourself and grow, I highly recommend to go for a few sessions with him. His loving way of guiding is unique.
It’s a big gift to yourself. "
- Anita -
Sessions can be booked at my place near Amsterdam or somewhere you desire.
Start April 2025